Child Advocacy Center

Child Advocacy Center

The Bergen County Prosecutor's Office Child Advocacy Center (BCPO CAC) is a child friendly center located within the Galda Building of the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office at 100 Eisenhower Drive Paramus, New Jersey. The Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office CAC serves all child victims within the County of Bergen.

Professionals such as law enforcement personnel, Division of Child Protection and Permanency workers, prosecutors, medical professionals, mental health professionals and victim advocates work together at the CAC to coordinate a multidisciplinary response for child victims to address the needs of the child and non-offending care-givers as well as to bring justice for the family.

In December of 2020, The Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office Child Advocacy Center was accredited by the National Children’s Alliance, the national association and accrediting body for Child Advocacy Centers. This rigorous process requires that an accredited child advocacy center meet ten separate standards each of which ensure that every child victim receives consistent, evidence-based interventions that can help guide them towards a healthy positive future.