Cyber Crimes Presentation Request
Presentations provided by the Bergen County Prosecutor`s Cyber Crimes Task Force can be requested by any school system within the county. Please review this page before following the below-listed links to the Cyber Crimes Presentation Request Forms.
Note that there has been an overwhelming demand on the Cyber Crimes Unit for these and other presentations. As such, preference will be given (where noted) to those organizations that conform to the suggested guidelines. The online forms will request contact information from any organization interested in hosting a presentation. The request is then forwarded to members of the Unit for scheduling based on availability of Cyber Crimes Task Force personnel. You may use the notes field at the bottom of the request form to describe any special issues or concerns that you may have for your presentation; it can also be used to describe your student body or school system if we should know something in particular about your school community.
Please be advised that your organization is required to supply the following for a presentation: