Educational Presentations

Educational Presentations
The “Response to Active Shooter Events” training educates school personnel on formulating a proper security plan and sticking to it. The training emphasizes concepts which can be translated into a number of different scenarios. It also focuses on common questions and issues, such as windows, door shades and fire alarms, which are all too often absent from other broad-based active shooter trainings. The training relies heavily on “proof of concept” by analyzing these recommendations during actual school shooting events.
Bias crimes are taken very seriously by New Jersey law enforcement and the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office. They are approached with an understanding that bias incidents require special handling by the law enforcement community. Further, suspected or confirmed bias crimes are investigated in a timely fashion, with special attention paid to victim assistance and community relations in order to reduce victim trauma and community tension or fear.

The Internet Safety presentation for Educators, Parents and Middle School Students from the Bergen County Cyber Crimes Task Force is a dynamic, entertaining and informative 360-degree discussion about Internet Safety (general), information control, social networking mistakes, sexting and cyberbullying. Presentation talk-time with full PowerPoint with entertaining video clips, etc. consists of a solid 30 minutes of useful, educational content.

This presentation often coincides with prom season and graduation season for High School Juniors and Seniors. The presentation educates students on the dangers of drinking and driving, hosting parties where alcohol is served/present, texting while driving and the consequences following collisions resulting from DWI, reckless driving, cell phone use and more.

The Financial Crimes Unit is responsible for the investigation of major theft and fraud offenses committed in Bergen County. Generally, the Financial Crimes Unit limits its participation in theft and fraud investigations to cases involving a loss of $75,000 or more. Due to the complex and multi-jurisdictional nature of theft and fraud investigations, the squad often assists local municipalities in cases requiring special expertise.

The Gang Awareness presentations for Educators and Students are designed to raise awareness regarding topics such as what constitutes a gang and gang activity, the dangers and destructiveness that comes with living the "gang lifestyle" and the pitfalls of joining a gang and engaging in gang activity.