Educational Presentations

Gang Awareness Presentation Request

Gang Awareness Presentation Request

Presentations provided by the Bergen County Prosecutor`s Gang Task Force can be requested by any school system within the county. Please review this page before following the below-listed links to the Gang Task Force Presentation Request Forms.

Note that there has been an overwhelming demand on the Gang Task Force for these and other presentations. As such, preference will be given (where noted) to those organizations that conform to the suggested guidelines. The online forms will request contact information from any organization interested in hosting a presentation. The request is then forwarded to members of the Task Force for scheduling based on availability of Gang Task Force personnel. You may use the notes field at the bottom of the request form to describe any special issues or concerns that you may have for your presentation; it can also be used to describe your student body or school system if we should know something in particular about your school community.

Please be advised that your organization is required to supply the following for a presentation:

  • Microphone w/voice amplification system
  • Laptop computer with Windows O/S, Microsoft PowerPoint and available USB
  • Wireless Presentation Remote Control (for PowerPoint)
  • Standard computer speakers
  • LCD/LDP projector (PowerPoint capable)
  • LARGE display area to offer a clear view to all present (i.e. Screen)
  • Surge Protector/Power Strip

Current Presentations:

Gang Awareness for Students

Bergen County Gang Task Force
(Approximately 50 minutes - 1 hour)

Requests for this presentation should be limited to students of grades 7th through 10th. The presentation that the Gang Task Force delivers is age-appropriate for 7th through 10th grade.

The Gang Awareness presentation for Students from the Bergen County Gang Task Force typically lasts about 1 hour. This program is designed for students to gain an awareness and understanding of the dangers and destructiveness that comes with living the “gang lifestyle” so they can avoid the pitfalls of joining a gang and engaging in gang activity. Students will be exposed to examples of gang violence and people being incarcerated due to their gang activity based on instances that garnered national attention and also local (Bergen County) cases. Experience has taught us that getting the students into the auditorium, seated and ready can often delay the start of the presentation. A few minutes should be allowed for this and/or questions by students at the end (if applicable), which could prolong the total length of the presentation. Also, if a school administrator plans to make opening/closing remarks, please calculate this into the start/end times accordingly. Presentation talk-time with full PowerPoint, entertaining video clips, etc. will consist of probably 50 solid minutes. Feedback has consistently indicated that the 50 minutes are well spent, and contain useful educational, entertaining and interesting content. If there are any concerns regarding the violence depicted in this presentation, please indicate so in the notes field.

Gang Awareness for Educators

Bergen County Gang Task Force
(Approximately 2 hours + )

Preference is given to those organizations that arrange this presentation on a regional basis. Please consider this option before submitting the Presentation Request Form.

This presentation is molded with special emphasis for those subtopics of particular interest to the educator responsible for children in a school setting.

The Gang Awareness presentation for Educators from the Bergen County Gang Task Force typically lasts about 2 hours. This program is designed to “educate the educators” on what constitutes a gang and gang activity; how to determine if graffiti, drawings, markings, tattoos, language and clothing is gang influenced; how to identify gang activity on social media; what changes to expect in the behavior of students who are falling under the influence of gangs; and how gang recruitment works and ways to intervene. The content in this presentation is kept current and relevant and is updated regularly to keep up with the constant changes in gang trends. This presentation normally lasts approximately 2 hours, however, this presentation is very interactive and calls for some audience participation. Additionally, experience has taught us that educators normally have questions and concerns regarding specific instances that they are experiencing in their districts. For these reasons, The Gang Awareness presentation for Educators may extend past 2 hours.