Megan's Law Community Organization Application

Megan’s Law

N.J.S.A. 2C:7-1, et seq., commonly known as Megan’s Law, allows approved community organizations with supervisory control over children and victim’s groups to receive information concerning registered sex offenders who meet certain criteria. Pursuant to the law, organizations must register with the Prosecutor’s Office, their local Police Department or the State Police who service their area. After an organization files a registration form, a determination is made by the Prosecutor’s Office as to whether the group qualifies for notification under the law. If the Prosecutor’s Office determines that your organization or agency falls within the statute, you will be notified about certain sex offenders in your area. Notifications begin from the approval date forward; they are not retroactive.

Megan’s Law Unit
Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office
Two Bergen County Plaza
Hackensack, NJ 07601
Fax: 201-712-4458